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CAC Mercyland to hold crusade, harvest & anniversary service

By Oluwagbenga Bankole

Christ Apostolic Church, Mercyland Assembly, King of Kings District Headquarters, Magboro Lagos will hold a 4day crusade, harvest and anniversary service next month.

The crusade will start on Monday 4th to Thursday 8th December 2017, while Praise Concert and anniversary service will hold on the 9th and 11th of same month respectively.

The crusade is expected to hold by 6pm daily with the theme “Upward Ascension.”

A major feature of the programme is power and spiritual lectures, deliverance, divine healing, breakthrough, singspiration and many more.

Lady Evangelist R.O. Kayode is the revivalist, while Pastor S.O. Kayode is the District Superintendent of King of Kings district and the host.

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