The leader and his sexual emotions!
Dear brother
It is becoming a source of huge concern to see our
Brothers….Spirit-filled,tongue-talking struggling with immorality especially
Christian Leaders. Its shameful,it shouldn’t be mentioned in public that a
Youth Pastor raped a member of the Choir……or Church leaders abusing members of
their congregation. It should not be heard in Church! No!it should not be found
in Church! The ground and pillar of Truth, The Body of Christ! These days I
will get skeptical if any of my girls tell me she is going to see her Pastor….why?
I have seen countless cases of abuse from such visits!
What exactly is the problem? These brothers are anointed but
lack self-control!
Proverbs 25:28 reveals something very vital…….
'Like a city that is
broken down and without walls [leaving it unprotected] is a man who has no self-control over his spirit [and sets himself
up for trouble].' indiscipline is the
root cause of immorality!!!
What do we do?
1. Identify your weaknesses! Stop trying to cover this part
of you….identify it and deal with it! There is nothing good about a sexual
weakness. Don’t feed it! Master it!
You mustn’t counsel ladies!
2.There are certain issues you should hand over to Female
leaders to handle! Stop putting yourself
under pressure! Sometimes I wonder why Brothers would rather mentor all the
ladies in Church…..brothers need help too!
3. Keep your counseling official! Don’t build anything
personal. Stop all those distracting discussions!......where are you? Have you
eaten? What are you wearing? I love your voice….brother is that part of your
calling? Such discussions are not necessary
4. Respect and honor the calling of God upon your life!
Don’t drag His name to the mud. If you are burning….please marry! If you are
married, enjoy your wife and if you are married and still lusting after others
ladies….please cry out for help! You need the word therapy!
Dear Choir Director….face your Ministry…….stay pure
Dear Youth Pastor…..Face your Ministry……..stay pure
Dear Pastor,Apostle, Evangelist etc……Face your
ministry…..stay pure
5. Avoid counseling behind close doors. I know you are
strong Man of God but you see we are people of passions…….anything’ seeable ‘
can trigger and put a man in the mood…..keep the doors and window open for
proper ventilation and easy escape(lols)
Be self-controlled!
The ability is inside! The church should be the one teaching
the world sexual sanity! I understand the temptations knocking your door daily
but you are more than able to overcome these temptations. Don’t mind those
sisters wearing clothes revealing hips,boobs and contours……you will see these
everyday,everywhere…..but filter your thought! Guard your heart! Be like Joseph
who saw immorality as wickedness (Gen 39:9).
The Grace of God is
sufficient for thee!!!!! Choose to stay pure! Your body is God’s temple too. I
believe in your ministry.
Avoid unnecessary touching and hugging.... These are
I understand Females are wired to always want to be
loved….that desire can sometimes drive us to be funny and do everything to
receive love…. But you see our wiring should not take common sense out of us.
Our brothers can be funny but Hey we are smart!!!!
1. You don’t need a male mentor to be successful in life.
There are far too many Wonderful Women of God in the kingdom who can mentor
you! And if you insist of it has to be a man….please keep it official. Stop
confusing our brothers….” Good evening Pastor, have you eaten? How was your
day? Tell me something about you no one knows(are you his wife or
mother?….nonsence)……Pastor I have this emotional issue, I can’t sleep at
night,I will just be thinking of man…..sister I don’t understand this
discussion because I choose not to understand! I will strongly recommend you
discuss sex-related issues with female mentors…..You will be putting that
brother in a tight corner!
2.Dress as decent as possible for counseling session!
Why should you wear crop top and mini skirt for
counseling???? (Signs and symptoms of a bad shide.... Lols).... Your plan will
not work!!!!
We know you have a good skin... Keep that body inside a
decent cloth! We don't want to see it!!!
3. Don't be a fool in the name of mentorship. You went to
your Pastor's house and he started touching you..... My sister!!!! Run for your
life!!!! If it's becoming a serious abuse......Change church!!! Don't sit there
and be saying.... 'Awwwwww Pastor stop naw.... They will catch us o....' that
wasn't abuse.... It's called partnership! You wanted it! Don't allow anyone
talk you into immorality. Avoid unnecessary calls and discussions..... Keep
your discussion official. You know when the counseling session is becoming
romancing session.... Don't wait! Don't wait! Flee!!!!
The flesh will try to fight!! But keep it subject to your
Spirit!!!! Keep meditating on the word..... Saturate your heart with the
Word!!!!! Your Body will will yield! It has got no choice!!!!
I trust this post blesses you!!!!!
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