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Why we need to repair Nigeria’s falling altar- Pastor Amos Dada

Pastor Amos Dada ministering yesterday at the IGOE conference


The District Superintendent and Pastor-in-charge of Christ Apostolic Church, Bethel Toronto, Pastor Amos Dada has said that in order for Nigeria to be a nation we can all be proud of, the nation’s altar needs to be repaired.

He said this yesterday at the Nigeria version of the annual International Gathering of Eagles conference in Lagos.

International Gathering of Eagles which is the initiative of Pastor Dada is aimed at raising eagles generation of believers and putting Nigeria on the spiritual world map.

He said despite the fact that almost everyone carries a Bible or Quran in Nigeria things still getting worst, saying we need to repair the falling altar of Nigeria in order to avoid destruction from God.

According to him, we should not be celebrating Independence Day the way it is being done here, what we need to be celebrating is milestones of achievement.

Pastor Dada said that bad governance has not allowed Nigeria to fulfill its potentials and the country is wallowing in poverty in the midst of abundance given wealth from God.

The basic need of Nigeria according to him is electricity, adding that youths are wasting away because there is no stable electricity.

He said that the present administration promised to build four refineries in their manifestoes, but they have not built one, saying that their attention is now on 2019 election.

“There are 12 altars that need to be destroyed in Nigeria for the country to move forward. We need to destroy altar of corruption. There should be zero tolerance for corruption in Nigeria. This administration should not just tell us those who have looted from the national treasury and leave them, they must send them to jail. We must destroy altar of greediness, altar of non-caring for one another, altar of wickedness, altar of poverty, altar of weak economy, altar of witches and wizard and altar of false teachings in Nigeria,” he said.

Pastor Dada further stated there are altars that must be raised in Nigeria, emphasizing that the altars are; “altar of truth, altar of honesty, altar of integrity, altar of righteousness, altar of unity, altar wisdom for governance, altar of knowledge, altar of love for one another, altar of seeking the true God, altar of praying the right prayers, altar of accountability, altar of hardwork, altar entrepreneurship, altar sincerity, altar of reliability, altar of virtues, altar of tolerance, altar of contentment, altar of resourcefulness, altar of excellence, altar of godliness, altar of rule of law, altar of allegiance to the nation and altar of care”

He implored Nigerians not to engage in corruption, stating emphatically that God will punish those who are corrupt in Nigeria.

The purpose of International Gathering of Eagles (IGOE) according to him is to raise generation of nation builders not nation looters.

He disclosed that IGOE aim at raising generation that will walk in integrity and holiness.

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