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PHOTO NEWS! Adelaja Region inauguration and induction service

The General Superintendent of CAC Worldwide, Pastor S.O Oladele handing-over the Regional Superintendent of Adelaja, Pastor S.N Maichibi to the regional council

By 'Gbenga Bankole

The inauguration and induction service of Adelaja Region was held on Sunday 6th of May, 2018 at their regional headquarters in Kano state.

Adelaja Region is a merger of Kano and Yola Conference centres which are made up of 4 DCCs and 8 Zones. Adelaja Region is the smallest in terms of composite administrative unit of all the regions but has the largest geographical spread. 



Praise and Worship session

Praise and worship session

The Royal Shepherd waiting for the arrival of the General Superintendent, Pastor S.O Oladele and the General Secretary, Pastor E.E Mapur

The arrival of Pastor Oladele and Pastor Mapur. They being accompanied by Adelaja Regional Superintendent, Pastor Maichibi

Royal parade and inspection by the General Superintendent

Royal parade and inspection by the General Superintendent

The General Superintendent inspecting the Royal Shepherd

The General Superintendent and General Secretary being led to the church by Adelaja Regional Superintendent, Pastor Maichibi

CAC Worldwide General Secretary, Pastor E.E Mapur

Opening hymn

The church keyboardist playing the hymn

Opening hymn

Opening hymn

Opening hymn

Opening hymn

Opening prayer session

Bible Reading

Adelaja Regional Secretary, Elder Emmanuel Omotosho Olukanni delivering the opening address

The congregation

The General Superintendent inducting the regional council
The General Superintendent inducting the regional council

The General Secretary, Pastor E.E Mapur praying for the regional council of Adelaja Region

The regional council of Adelaja Region facing the congregation

The General Superintendent formally inducting Adelaja Regional Superintendent

The General Secretary, Pastor Mapur praying for the Regional Superintendent and his wife

The General Superintendent, Pastor Oladele preaching

Prayer after the sermon

Prayer after the sermon

Prayer after the sermon

The General Secretary, Pastor Mapur praying on the sermon

Adelaja Regional Superintendent, Pastor Maichibi and wife

Presentation of gifts to Adelaja Regional Superintendent, Pastor Maichibi

Group photograph

The General Superintendent, Pastor Oladele sharing the grace

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