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INTERVIEW: If the church gets it right, the nation will improve —Pastor Olowere

Pastor Sam Oluwasegun

Pastor Sam Oluwasegun Olowere is the Youth Pastor of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC), Oke Agbara, Ashi, Ibadan. He shares his thoughts with NIGERIAN TRIBUNE on the role of the church in political affairs, as well as why youths need to restate their commitment to the service of God.

Brief about background

I attended Oladunni Memorial School, Methodist Grammar School, Bodija, Ibadan, and Bowen University. I did my Master’s at the University of Ibadan and attended the CAC Theological Seminary, Ile Ife, Osun State.

Did you join the ministry because your father is also a pastor?

No. I followed God’s leading. In my service year, while in my room at Abeokuta, someone like an angel appeared to me and told me that I was sent on an errand, but I refused to go. There were other messages too, for me to do God’s work. So, when the messages kept coming, I surrendered to God’s will.

For how long have you been into ministerial work?

For more than six years now.

How did your father react when he heard you wanted to join the ministry?

My dad was happy about it because it is another fulfillment of God’s promise in our family. It came to a time why I was asking God why of all his children, I was the one who joined the ministry, and God said He had made a covenant with my father that He would use his children for His work.

How has the experience been as a youth pastor?

Pastoring the youth has been very interesting. Following the teaching of Apostle Paul, I have been discipling other youths, helping them discover God’s purpose for their lives and training them.

What challenges have you faced as a youth pastor?

It has not been easy, because of the distractions that are usually targeted at youths. Some youths want things to happen very fast, and sometimes, they want miracles at all costs. Even our environment has not helped in building the youth, especially in terms of dressing, music and leadership roles. These and many challenges are faced by the youth. So, it’s a great task, but with God’s help, things have been improving.

What successes have you recorded so far?

The Lord has been faithful to His word, and a lot of lives have been touched by God and there have been many testimonies.

How would you compare your passion for the ministry with that of youths generally?

There must be persistence if one wants to influence the young generation. The church must also look into making their welfare a priority.

What is your take on youth participation in politics? 

I would encourage more youths to join politics. The older generation has done much to influence it and I think more youths need to embrace active politics.

What if you were not a pastor?

I would have been a banker.

Has God revealed anything to you about Nigeria?

Nigeria is just like Israel, God’s beloved, but we’ve been neglecting God. Things will fall into place, when we come back to Him. Generally, I will advise the government to work hard, and place those who have the fear of God in charge of security.

What advice would you give youths?

I will advise them to stop destroying themselves and come to God. Anyone who lacks God in his/her life is killing himself/herself. They should come to Christ that is ready to give them life.

How about the church?

Let the church come back to God. There are many churches today, but they are not of God. Let us come back and take our rightful position before God. If the church can get it right, the nation will also get it right.

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