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CAC Worldwide unveils 2018 Watchword

CAC President, Pastor Abraham Akinosun

The 2018 watchword for Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide has been unveiled. The watchword is taking from the book of Psalm 80 vs. 19 which says “Restore us, O Lord God of hosts, cause Your face to shine, and we shall be saved.”

The Yoruba version of the watchword says; “Tun wa yipada, Oluwa Olorun awon omo-ogun, mu oju re tan imole; a o si gba wa la.”

In Igbo language, the watch goes thus; “Me ka ayi lata, Jehova, bu Chineke nke usu nile nke ndi-agha, Mee ka ihu gi na-enwu, Anyi ga-azoputa!”

The Hausa version says; “Ka mayar da mu, ya Ubangiji Allah Mai Runduna. Ka sa fuskarka ta haskaka, kuma za mu sami ceto.”

In French language, the watchword goes thus; “Éternel, Dieu de l'univers, relève-nous Fais briller ton visage, et nous serons sauvés. (Psaume 80:20)."


  1. why do they repeat this watchword. it was used in 1997

  2. hello sir/ma, please can i get way back watch word from 1997 to 2018 list

    1. The French watchword says psalms 80:20. Kindly edit to psalms, 80:19.
      Thank you.
